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We each have an important role to play to keep ourselves, our families and friends, our neighbors and fellow Rhode Islanders safe.  By educating ourselves, following State, CDC, and WHO guidelines, working together and helping each other, we will get back to our lives and rebuild a healthy and strong Rhode Island.  



CALL 911 




Family wearing masks



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General Info.

Understanding the Coronavirus, Covid-19 and the variants, definition of terms and other general information including health insurance options

Staying Safe/

Vaccination Info.



Mental Health

Important safety and vaccination guidelines for covid, flu, RSV, pneumonia, and more.

Help accessing necessities and resources for food assistance, delivery options, grocery store safety and more.

Here are resources to help with unemployment, financial assistance, mortgage assistance, gov't assistance for businesses,  job training and more.

Understanding the symptoms of COVID, flu, RSV, etc. and accessing testing resources if advised


and Testing

Children, Parents, and Seniors

Taking Care

Resources and help managing mental health issues, stress and anxiety, addiction and overdose and  more.


You Can Help

RI Strong.

Lots of online and in-person resources to help with K-12 education.

Financial Help

Resources specifically for children, their parents, and Seniors including help with understanding and managing their health.  It's challenging at EVERY age!

The best way to prepare for any illness is to maintain good physical and mental health.  Here you'll find resources to help, including treatment options for those who become  sick.

This is for the kids and families too ... fun  activities, projects, contests (with prizes!), and family adventures to enjoy  safely

Here you'll find opportunities to help others through volunteering.  There are lots of opportunities - and lots of folks and organizations that could use a helping hand.

We're Rhode Islanders caring for and helping each other every day.  We're asking folks to please continue to help by sharing what they've learned along this new and challenging journey.  In doing so, we are  creating our best selves and a stronger, united R.I.

Emergency Preparedness

Resources to help be prepared for any emergency such as as an act of nature (HURRICANE!, TORNADO!, FIRE!, etc.), illnesses (like West Nile, H1N1), pandemics, and more.  Be safe.  Be prepared.

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  Special thanks to our Community Partners and Sponsors     

Click on their logos to learn how they're helping in the fight to stay safe in RI.

Community Care Alliance
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Rhode Island Emergency Management
The Feinstein Foundation
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