Your family's guide to being smart, safe, healthy, and prepared for any Rhode Island or national emergency including covid, flu, fire, hurricane, and more!

EDUCATION: In Person and Remote Learning
From Pre-School and Child Care through College ...

American Federation of Teachers
Information and resources for educators and school support staff
Share My Lesson: Remote learning and lesson plans for educators, school support staff & parents
Create More “Aha!” Moments Together - From school to home, discover the content and tools you need to make learning POP.
Center For Educational Reform (CER)
CER’S ESSENTIAL EDUCATION DATABASE: Searchable Resources for HOME, REMOTE and DIGITAL LEARNING during the COVID-19 crisis. Includes resources for both parents and educators K-12.
Charter Communications
Spectrum Digital Education:
Spectrum supports nonprofit organizations that educate community members on the benefits of broadband and how to use it to improve their lives. We award grants across the country to help accomplish this goal.
Math & Science review for students
Resources for successful at-home learning. Also extensive library for further learning by category and grade level.
Discovery Education
Discovery Education Experience provides engaging high-quality content, ready-to-use digital lessons, creative collaboration tools, and practical professional learning resources to give educators everything they need to facilitate instruction and create a lasting educational impact in any learning environment.
National PTA
Resources, tools and information to support our families and teachers who are navigating working, teaching and learning at home. We’ll also share stories of how PTAs across the country are helping their communities.
Social and Emotional Support Resources
Tips for Educators on Teaching from Home
NY Times
Lesson plans, contests and teaching tools, activities for students, webinars, etc.
US Department of Education
Resources for working from home:
Varsity Tutors
Private Online Tutoring, Online Group Classes, Academic, Test Prep, & Enrichment. Lots of free classes taught by celebrity experts. And explore hundreds of free, live online classes and camps
A message from National PTA President Leslie Boggs

Rhode Island Colleges and Universities
Might be worth another look ...
● Brown University Admissions
● Bryant University
1150 Douglas Pike, Smithfield
● Community College of Rhode Island (CCRI)
● Johnson & Wales University
401-JWU-1000 ... 800-DIAL-JWU
8 Abbott Park Place, Providence
● New England Institute of Technology
One New England Tech Blvd.,E. Greenwich
● Providence College
1 Cunningham Sq., Providence
● Rhode Island College
600 Mt. Pleasant Ave., Providence
● Rhode Island School of Design (RISD)
2 College St., Providence
● Roger Williams University
1 Old Ferry Rd., Bristol
● Salve Regina University
100 Ochre Point Ave., Newport
● University of Rhode Island (URI)
Rhode Island Department
of Education
COVID-19 Updates & Resources
For general issues or questions, please email info@ride.ri.gov or call 401-222-4600
For educator certification issues or questions, please email EQAC@ride.ri.gov
For testing issues or questions, please email assessment@ride.ri.gov
For legal issues or questions, please email legal@ride.ri.gov
Sign up to receive email updates from RIDE CLICK HERE!
Website from RIDE with Reopening Plans, the Latest News Updates and Events, and other Need To Know including key info. and frequently asked questions.

Remote Learning
from ChildMind.org
Strategies for Supporting Learning at Home
We know how difficult this situation can be for children of any age. We offer these guidelines and strategies from our experts to help families support their children’s education at this time.
Family Resources for Remote Learning
Clinicians from our Learning and Development Center have organized resources for parents who are suddenly responsible for the home school environment.

Help For Working Parents:
Safe and Supervised and Supportive Online Learning Locations ...
CADENCE EDUCATION: School-Age Virtual Learning Assistance Program in Smithfield, Westerly, Cranston, and North Kingstown
Rhode Island Strong.
We are strongest when we work together, whether it's wearing a mask in public, checking in on an elderly neighbor or sharing our stories and strategies that could be helpful to others ...
Have you had success with at-home learning? Have you discovered helpful resources? Or ways to help kids adjust to the new school year? Perhaps you have other positive suggestions or words of encouragement and support ...
and if so, we're asking you to please share. We'll include this information on the Rhode Island Strong page (CLICK HERE!). Thank you for caring and thank you for sharing!
Rhode Island Stronger.
“Wearing masks, sitting away from friends, and meeting up online isn’t what students are used to expecting.The AOTA Back to School Guide includes practical tips and resources to help families and educators adapt routines and create new ones so that kids feel safe and are available for learning.”
AOTA’s Back to School Guide provides support in these various areas of essential needs, including:
Tips for Teachers: Helping Children and Adolescents Transition Back to School
Tips for Families: Helping Children and Adolescents Transition Back to School
Transitions Back to School or to Virtual Learning
Classroom Set-up Tips for Teachers to Promote Safety and Comfort
Selecting, Wearing, and Caring For Masks and Facial Coverings
Considerations for Modifying and for Preparing Students for Changes in TransportationServices
Identifying and Addressing Issues Related to Students’ Mental Health, Behavior and Well-being
Guidance on Addressing Discrimination and Stigma
Tips for Supporting Students with Autism
“Wearing masks, sitting away from friends, and meeting up online isn’t what students are used to expecting.The AOTA Back to School Guide includes practical tips and resources to help families and educators adapt routines and create new ones so that kids feel safe and are available for learning.”
AOTA’s Back to School Guide provides support in these various areas of essential needs, including:
Tips for Teachers: Helping Children and Adolescents Transition Back to School
Tips for Families: Helping Children and Adolescents Transition Back to School
Transitions Back to School or to Virtual Learning
Classroom Set-up Tips for Teachers to Promote Safety and Comfort
Selecting, Wearing, and Caring For Masks and Facial Coverings
Considerations for Modifying and for Preparing Students for Changes in TransportationServices
Identifying and Addressing Issues Related to Students’ Mental Health, Behavior and Well-being
Guidance on Addressing Discrimination and Stigma
Tips for Supporting Students with Autism
Click HERE for list of education companies offering free subscriptions due to school closings. Direct links are provided. All you need to do is click the link and follow the instructions on that website to sign-up.