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Childcare plays an integral role in the safekeeping and education of your child.

A good program will educate your child, use positive reinforcement to teach, and give your child fun-filled days!

So how do you find a preschool or daycare that is right for you? You have to ask the right childcare interview questions!

Check out these questions to help you determine what facility is best for your little one!

Ask These Childcare Interview Questions to Make Sure Your Child Gets the Best Care Possible!

1. What degrees, certifications, and experience do your teachers have?

Some childcare facilities only require their teachers to have a certain certification. Other facilities make sure all their teachers have a degree or a certain amount of experience.

When you leave your child in the care of experienced childcare professionals, you will no doubt feel comfortable leaving your child there every day.

2. Are you a licensed provider?

Be sure that the preschool or daycare you choose to send your child to is licensed. A licensed daycare is legally required to uphold health and safety standards. An unlicensed daycare may not be as strict with such practices.

3. What are your visitation policies?

Many facilities have an open-door policy for parents. If that’s the case, what security precautions does the school enforce to prevent intruders from entering? Some schools, for example, give each parent a unique code they have to use to enter the facility.

At the same time, other daycares will limit visitation during school hours. So be sure to ask questions about the school’s visitation, as well as their safety procedures.

4. What is your teacher-to-child ratio in each classroom? How many children do you have in each class?

According to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management’s Child Care Resources Handbook, a group of six toddlers (12-28 months) should have two teachers present. For a classroom of eight or more children, there should be one instructor for every four children.

For toddlers between the ages of 24-36 months of age, there should be two teachers in the classroom, and the class size should be no more than twelve children.

For children 2.5-4 years old, there should be two teachers in the classroom, with a maximum number of children being twenty.

For five-year-olds, there should be two teachers in the classroom with no more than twenty-four children in the classroom.

5. When a child acts up, how do you correct their behavior? How do you reward good behavior?

Children respond to positive reinforcement much better than nagging or discipline. Be sure your daycare provider encourages positive learning, rather than disciplinary action.

It’s a good idea to learn how the teachers correct bad behavior and whether or not they spend time rewarding good behavior.

Typically, daycares will have some reward system for positive behavior, such as a “treasure box,” where children can choose a small toy. Be sure your school has positive teachers too!

On the other hand, discipline may come in the form of a certain toy or activity being revoked for a day. The daycare should never make a young child sit for long periods, nor should they yell at kids. Be sure that the teachers have a more optimistic approach, rather than a negative one.

6. What are the curriculum and daily routine like?

You no doubt want your child to learn as much as s/he can while at school. Does the daycare/school teach children age-appropriate lessons such as science, math, reading, arts and crafts, and music?

Many schools teach babies baby sign language and prepare toddlers to excel in kindergarten. On the other hand, other daycares may only play with children. It’s always a good idea to learn what your child will be doing daily!

7. How often do you clean the toys and classrooms?

A clean classroom will help prevent kids from getting sick. Observe the facility when you tour it. Do the classrooms look clean? Do teachers make children wash their hands before they eat? Additionally, a clean class usually shows how attentive teachers are!

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